The girls are really enjoying school and are doing very well. Progress reports came home this last week and all the girls had excellent reports! Amy is doing very well on learning her sight words and is really working hard on her handwriting. We think she has finally "picked a hand" when it comes to writing. She's always been ambidextrous when it comes to using her hands...never using one more than the other. Here lately though, when we do her homework, she most often writes her letters with her left hand. I still sometimes catch her coloring and doing other things with her right hand, but I think she will be left hand dominant.
Audrey is getting much more fluent with her reading and is a whiz at math. She is definitely her mother's daughter and has to be reminded every now and then not to talk during class. She has been getting excellent grades and we are very proud of her.
Emma is doing GREAT in the 4th grade! She is very concerned with her work and always wants to do her best. We have a great homework routine and she is making awesome grades! She recently did her first project on the Kwaikutl Indians for Social Studies. She was required to recreate the habitat of her tribe. She had to include landforms and also represent items her tribe was known for. We had a great time working on this project together. My parents also chipped in with some help. Nanaw helped Emma make a basket and Angaw cut some pieces of my grandmother's cedar tree to make a totem pole. The project turned out great! Emma was very happy with it.
I am staying busy during the week with two Bible studies this year. I am going to the Ladies Bible study at Berachah Bible Church on Tuesdays with my best friend LeighAnn. We are doing Kristie Gant's study on Heaven. Last week was our first week and it was great...I look forward to completing this study. On Thursdays, I go to Mom to Mom at Dogwood Church in Peachtree City. This is similar to a Bible study in that we reference God's word, but it is so much more than that. We are given a place to rest our burdens and be encouraged as Mothers with hearts for God. It has been such good medicine for my soul! The Lord is so good to me.
Well...that pretty much sums up our last month or so. We are looking forward to some cooler weather...Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. I love the rich colors and the crisp breezes it has to offer. Hopefully I will do a better job of updating this blog....thanks for checking in on us!